As an employed consultant at Insource, you get the opportunity to work on different assignments in a variety of industries. Depending on what you wish for your journey at Insource, the nature of the assignments will differ. However, you can be sure that you will be challenged and supported to grow and succeed in your work. We asked our colleague Elin about her most recent experience with a client.
Elin is currently working as an accountant at a company operating in the marketing industry and tells us that her consultancy role has developed over time.
– I started with accounts payable and administrative tasks. Today, I’m responsible for two subsidiaries, including payroll administration, financial statements, budgeting, and forecasting. I have additionally gotten the opportunity to educate the organization in the financial system and identify improvements in the system alongside the supplier.
Elin’s current assignment is her first working at Insource. She graduated with a master’s degree from Linköping University and started the assignment shortly thereafter.
– It has been a great first assignment. I have learned a lot, and it has never felt stagnant since the role continuously develops. I think that I have shown that I want, and can handle, more responsibility, and that has been rewarded. Not to forget, I always have my job manager at Insource to discuss any questions or issues that may occur, which is an aspect of security for myself and the client.
She continues to describe that it has been beneficial to see and be involved in several different areas of the financial department.
– The assignment has definitely laid a good foundation in terms of knowledge and experience for future roles.
Elin’s tips to succeed in the consultancy role
· Listen to the client to be perceptive of what they want and where they want to go.
· It may seem obvious, but show up, meet, and talk to the other employees at the client – not just your department. Show that you are engaged and happy to work there. It will go a long way.
· Be humble but believe in yourself!
· Have a strong curious mindset, it has been key in my development.