We automate and lose our jobs
Last we discussed that implementation of Robotics need not be cumbersome or time consuming at all. Implementation of Robotics Desktop Automation (RDA) can go both quickly and smoothly with the support Insource provides its customers. Today’s area of concern and misconception is that Robotics is being implemented to replace staff.
It can be argued that there is some truth in the above sense. However, there are an incredible number of benefits of automation linked to our employees and businesses. The purpose of introducing Robotics solutions should not be to replace staff, but instead to free staff from monotonous and repetitive tasks. When we automate processes, we not only streamline work. Automation allows employees to spend their time on value-creating activities that are more in line with their skills. This in turn gives us both happier employees and better value in our output. Probably few Controllers during their university education thought they would fetch and compile data in Excel during half their working hours. Value creation comes from thinking and developing. Not to cut and paste. 2019 feels like a good year to destroy the tasks that do not create value.
Do you have a potential need to automate one or more processes? Try a free introductory course in Robotics by signing up here or contact us at Insource.